
'Deedo' Nembhard back in Jamaica after release from US prison

After serving nearly ten years in federal prison in the United States for drug trafficking, Norris 'Deedo' Nembhard, formerly designated a Jamaican drug kingpin,  has been released and is now back in Jamaica.

RJR News has confirmed that  'Deedo' Nembhard returned to the island on Tuesday.

In 2004 Nembhard and Montego Bay businessman Leebert Ramcharan were designated Drug Kingpins by US President George Bush, under the US Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. The tag is given to persons considered significant figures in the illegal drug trade.

Nembhard and Ramcharan were among ten alleged international drug traffickers named by the US President.

After fighting his extradition for four years, Nembhard was extradited in 2008.

Four other Jamaicans - Robroy 'Spy' Williams, Glenford Williams, Vivian Dalley and Herbert Henry, a former police corporal - were also extradited with him.                            

Their cases drew national attention, based on the allegations made by  US prosecutors that they were major participants in the international drug trade between Jamaica and Colombia.

Nembhard pleaded guilty in 2009 and was sentenced originally to 13 years in prison, but this was later reduced to nine years.


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