
Manchester Municipal Coporation clamping down on delinquent businesses

Donovan Mitchell, Chairman of the Manchester Municipal Corporation
By Kimone Witter    
The Manchester Municipal Corporation has served notice that come next week Tuesday it will be clamping down on businesses that are in breach of stipulated public health requirements.
Chairman of the corporation, Donovan Mitchell, says the compliance team, with the support of the police, will be visiting the various businesses about which complaints have been received.
He says the team will be revisiting establishments whose operators were not recommended for renewal of their licences due to breaches identified. 
"For example, I know that there are some barbers and some hairdressers...about 13 or 15 persons which we have not been recommended because they are lacking in some things. You see, when you operating, for example, a bar, you should have somewhere to wash your glasses, to rinse your glasses, and another sink to wash your hands. And so we are checking on those things because we're getting a lot of the complaints from the public that some of these things are not being done," said Mr. Mitchell. 
Additionally, he said the compliance team will be targeting event promoters who have failed to seek approval from the municipal corporation before erecting billboards or posters. 
The clampdown will also target building developers who did not to regularise their activities by the August 30 deadline, and delinquent barbers and hairdressers who have not paid their trade fees.

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