“A Christmas of Peace”: PM’s Christmas Message
2:19 pm, Sun December 25, 2022
Warm Christmas greetings as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Our heavenly Father so loved us that he gave his only son to manifest as a beacon amongst us to show us the way to eternal life. A precious gift of perfect life, that whoever believes and accepts Christ, our soul will not perish but be saved for eternity.
Above all else therefore, Christmas is the celebration of life, the beginning of the human life of Jesus, and the promise of eternal life. At the time of the Nativity, God’s chosen people, as described in the bible, were colonized by an oppressive power. Times were hard, they were in a historical struggle to find a homeland in which they could be free. They had faith that a Messiah, a powerful leader would come and lead them out of their material and physical bondage, and bring an end to the national turmoil at the time.
However, Jesus did not come into the world as a mighty King, he was born into lowly circumstances, in a stable, to poor parents, and he would grow up to be a humble carpenter.
From his birth and throughout his life, Jesus was an example of humility, kindness, selflessness, love, peace and hope.
He did not come into this world to be an earthly King, to liberate a nation, or satisfy the material wants of a people. He came to show the world the path to salvation and be the personal saviour of all who believe.
Today, the meaning of Christmas has become highly materialized, and less so a time when we refresh ourselves spiritually. The hustle and bustle to acquire the material symbols of the season, can often reach a frenzy where our very lives are threatened.
Drunk-driving and speeding are significant contributors to road fatalities during this season.
As of 6am Tuesday, December 20th, 461 lives would have been lost to road traffic incidents. Last year, 487 persons lost their lives to road traffic incidents. No more of our brothers and sisters should die on our roads during this season. Crashes are preventable, it depends on our mindset and behaviour; so let us act with greater care. Don’t drink and drive, follow the rules of the road, wear your helmets, drive within the limits, drive defensively, drive according to the condition of the road, and slow down!
As we celebrate life this Christmas, let us all commit to being extra careful as road users. Please I urge you, take it easy on the road, slow down and live to celebrate your life.
We all want to have the merriment of Christmas, we all want to be able to take our children to grand market, buy our family gifts, have a Christmas Day meal of our favourite meats with gungo rice and peas, sorrel, and cake, or visit our parents and give them a “little money” even if it is only time we get to do it. We all want the material symbols of the season.
Unfortunately some of us do not want to acquire these material symbols through lawful means, some are planning to rob, and kill, taking the lives other, just to be able to ‘floss’ at the popular parties of the season.
The message of peace, goodwill and the celebration of life means nothing to those with criminal intent; they have hardened their hearts.
Last year December, 127 Jamaicans lost their lives to intentional fatal violence. Your Government, recognizes the emergency situation and has utilized emergency powers to save lives. The measures have been working well to reduce the number of murders, nevertheless, as believers in the salvation of Christ, we appeal to the killers, the robbers, extortionists and the scammers, to heed the message of the season and the example of Christ, turn from your destructive ways, and celebrate life instead of taking life.
The greatest gift is life, the gift from God. We don’t need material things to value life or to mak our life valuable, and we don’t need to be rich to secure our soul.
This Christmas let us all reflect on the life of Jesus and his message of peace on earth and goodwill to all men. Let us use the pause in our regular activities to reset our mental and spiritual connection with our families and friends, and with God however we perceive him.
Let us appreciate each other and love each other. Let us be kind to those who are in need, and mindful of those who are alone.
Jesus gave us a message of LOVE, JOY, HOPE and PEACE. The message does not change from year to year. So, let us put the spirit of Christmas back into our celebrations.
I wish for my Jamaican family, both here and abroad, a wonderful, safe, hopeful, joyful, and peaceful Christmas filled with lots LOVE and Hugs And remember take nothing for granted and always look after your personal safety.
Have a safe and holy Christmas.

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