
Clarendon Custos blames spike in COVID-19 cases on visitors breaching protocols

William Shagoury and SSP Glenford Miller, head of the Clarendon police
Custos of Clarendon, William Shagoury, is blaming the spike in coronavirus cases in sections of the parish on visitors who continue to flout COVID-19 prevention measures.
Mr. Shagoury says he is aware of instances where returnees attend funerals and other events without being quarantined. 
"Most of those cases are caused by our Jamaicans...who come for funeral for four or five days, leave their phone at home and all over the place. The Salt River bath is another problem. You pass there today and you have three, four, or five hundred of them in the bath like suh. When you look you see one poor police car out there. You need a whole battalion to get them out of the water...and they are even down by Guts River. They tear down the sign and they are down there in people's places (like) it's their right to just come and do what they want to do, and they forget that they pay income tax and taxes in America. They don't pay any here," he chided.  
He suggested that the government tighten the quarantine orders for visitors to the island and also insisted they foot the cost of the quarantine.
"They need to pay when they come here. And that's all I have to say on that matter because it really hurts me to see how considerate they are and they really don't care about our people," he contended. 
Meanwhile, Senior Superintendent Glenford Miller, head of the Clarendon police, warned that persons will be prosecuted if they breach the quarantine. 
He said the police and military are working together to ensure that persons adhere to the stay-at-home order. He also pleaded for the support of the residents in following the instructions and making themselves available for testing. 
"So, we are now also asking the residents of Sandy Bay who are within the quarantine area to adhere to the rules and regulations. Don't try to violate and go outside and actually find yourself with other persons because this can only cause a further spread of the virus if you are tested and found to be positive," he urged.  

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