
JPS vows to hold contractors accountable for leaving debris on roads

JPS Communication Manager Audrey Williams
By Halshane Burke/Kimone Witter
The Jamaica Public Service Company says efforts will be made to hold contractors accountable for leaving debris along the roadways following the cutting of trees.
The light and power company has been cutting trees that are interfering with power lines.
But there have been complaints that the cuttings have been left along the sidewalk and roadway, resulting in potential risks to pedestrians and motorists.
Communication Manager at the JPS Audrey Williams says this should not be the case as teams must ensure the roadway and sidewalks are cleared after trimming trees. She urged people who observe any team not following this best practice to report it to the company. 
"We really want to know where it happens because we do want to hold our team members and our contractors accountable for the work that is to be done," she said. 
She was speaking Tuesday with Radio Jamaica's Hotline host, Clive Mullings.
Environmental concern
Mayor of Kingston Delroy Williams has said the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation has written to the JPS about the cutting and trimming of trees in the Corporate Area.
Mr. Williams, who addressed the issue during the municipal corporation meeting on Tuesday, said the matter raises the concern of environmental protection.
He said a standard has to be set in relation to pruning of trees. 
"Activities of this nature must get all stakeholders involved and must be carefully thought out and a proper approach be agreed to...but from where we sit, it can't be that utility companies on their own go around and just chop trees in public spaces," he argued. 

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