
No evidence COVID-19 vaccine affects women's fertility - Ennis

Dr. Melody Ennis, Director of Family Health Services in the Ministry of Health
Dr. Melody Ennis, Director of Family Health Services in the Ministry of Health, has said there is no evidence to support claims that the COVID-19 vaccine will affect fertility in women.
Responding to concerns by some nurses about the possible impact of the vaccine on their ability to have children, Dr. Ennis pointed out that numerous studies have found that there was "no placental abnormality nor were there any miscarriages" in women who took the COVID-19 vaccine.  
"There is absolutely no such evidence based on the clinical trials that were conducted, based on studies that have been ongoing. There's absolutely no such evidence," she insisted.
Dr. Ennis noted that several nurses in Jamaica who have taken the vaccine are now pregnant, having conceived after getting their first dose. 
"So the evidence is there, the data is there. Persons just really need to go and read so that they can be comfortable with taking the vaccine," she asserted.  

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