
DPP Llewellyn's initial tenure extension expires today

By Lorraine Mendez    
The first tenure extension for Director of Public Prosecutions Paula Llewellyn expires today, September 21, her 63rd birthday.
That extension had been granted in 2020, which allowed her three more years in the post of DPP. 
But Ms Llewellyn has the option of continuing in the post up to age 70, following controversial amendments to the Constitution to increase the retirement age for the DPP and Auditor General. The amendments were passed in July, without support from the parliamentary opposition.
The opposition People's National Party has since filed a lawsuit in the civil division of the Supreme Court challenging the legality of the extension of the retirement age of the DPP and the Auditor General.
The opposition argued that the government hurriedly pushed the Bill to amend the Constitution through Parliament and maintained that it was not consulted on the matter.
When asked by Radio Jamaica News if she plans to continue in office beyond today, DPP Llewellyn's response was "no comment".  

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