
Fired Grange Hill High School teacher to be reinstated

Andre Earl, the teacher's attorney
The way has been cleared for a teacher to be reinstated in her job at Grange Hill High School in Westmoreland, after being fired in 2017.
This follows a decision by the Teachers' Appeal Tribunal.
The teacher, Marcia Ruddock, was employed as a Language Arts teacher at Grange Hill High.
The principal made complaints against her for alleged irregular attendance and neglect of duties in relation to scripts and exams papers.
The personnel committee of the school board then attempted to schedule hearings but Miss Ruddock did not attend, so it proceeded in her absence and made the decision to recommend termination.
Miss Ruddock took her case to the Teachers' Appeal Tribunal.
Arguments were presented that the Board of Grange Hill High did not follow the correct procedure at the hearing and in its subsequent actions, based on the Education Act and its regulations.
The Tribunal agreed that the decision could not stand so it was quashed.
However, it noted that the teacher demonstrated poor behaviour and conduct for several years and this was unprofessional.
Miss Ruddock's attorney, Andre Earl, said with this decision, the question of payments due will have to be addressed. 
"All salary and emoluments to which she would have been entitled between the time of termination, November 2017, to date - over 32 months worth of salary and emoluments - you can imagine how devastating that was to her. We're going to be demanding that that be paid up in full," he said.  

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