
Jamaica Society for the Blind opens vision resource centre

Jamaicans with low vision can now benefit from services offered by the newly constructed resource centre of the Jamaica Society for the Blind (JSB).

Low vision is a significant reduction of visual function that cannot be fully corrected by glasses, contact lenses, medical treatment or surgery. It can result from a variety of diseases and injuries that affect the eye.      

The JSB Low Vision Resource Centre was built at a cost of $25 million.

The facility, which is located at 111 ½ Old Hope Road in St. Andrew, was officially opened last week.

Services to be offered at the centre include assessment of low vision needs, prescribing appropriate low vision devices, training in the use of these devices/aids, low vision counselling and public education. 

The centre will also provide counselling aimed at helping persons to adjust to sight loss.

In addition, users will benefit from assessment, diagnosis and treatment of  non-surgical eye disorders; screening for vision problems as well as prescribing and dispensing low cost glasses.

About 100,000 adults in Jamaica are visually impaired.

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