
Jamaican shot-putter freed of criminal sexual conduct charge in the US

Jamaican shot-putter, 22-year-old Kevin Nedrick, was on Friday acquitted of third degree criminal sexual conduct, a year after he was accused of raping a fellow University of Minnesota student at a birthday party near the campus.
Nedrick, who is a national junior record holder, was found not guilty when he appeared in Hennepin County District Court on Friday morning.
According to the Star-Tribune newspaper, the Jamaican student athlete cried following the verdict.
Nedrick testified during the trial that began Tuesday that he worked all his life to get where he was and was wrongly accused.
He also told the court that the alleged victim made overtures to him before the encounter.
His accuser also testified.
She claimed that Nedrick overpowered and assaulted her multiple times during a 10 to 15 minute encounter. 
The woman testified she had been helping her roommate, who was vomiting in the bathroom, when Nedrick overpowered her.
Campus police were called about 1:15 a.m. to the apartment about a possible sexual assault. 
The woman underwent a sexual assault examination at a hospital, where a nurse noted bruises on her left forearm and fresh marks on her neck.

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