
New NSWMA trucks to aid in clean up of roadside garages

Local Government Minister Desmond McKenzie and Prime Minister Andrew Holness
By Clinton McGregor/Nakinskie Robinson  
Local Government Minister Desmond McKenzie says the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) has received a major boost with the addition of 50 new garbage trucks to its fleet.
Speaking Tuesday at a handing over ceremony, Minister McKenzie said the new trucks will improve the country's garbage collection programme.
Minister McKenzie also warned that his Ministry, in conjunction with the National Solid Waste Management Authority, will be embarking on a programme to remove old cars from roadside garages.
He said the new crane trucks, which make up the new fleet, will be used in carrying out the exercise.
"Every street, every lane, every avenue you turn, you see abandoned cars. Garages have taken over the roadways. What we are seeing, therefore, is a reduction in the use of our sidewalks. Some roadways, traffic has been reduced to single lane, with no consideration for people going about your lawful business," Mr. McKenzie complained. 
He said the NSWMA will soon begin the process of cleaning up roads and sidewalks to bring back public order. 
"We are going to be moving them. We are giving notice. We have started already, and with these new trucks, I am calling on Jamaicans to support us in this effort," he pleaded.
More trucks needed
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Andrew Holness has committed to ensuring that the country increases its fleet capacity, which he said will improve the current waste collection system. 
"This is not the last of the trucks to come. We need at least twice what we have now in order to be able to keep a schedule that would be effective in collecting all the waste that we generate. But the long term solution is not for the government to be the one to operate these trucks and to be collecting garbage."
He noted than in many jurisdictions, waste collection is a contracted service for which the government pays.  
"What the government does is to monitor and regulate. Right now, the NSWMA is also collecting the garbage. Where we are heading is to have those two roles separated. And we are well down the wicket in developing a plan to have the garbage collection element divested," he disclosed. 
The Prime Minister was also speaking during Tuesday's handing over ceremony for the 50 new garbage trucks, hosted by the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development and the National Solid Waste Management Authority.

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