
Police to use footage from Jamaica Eye to prosecute rogue motorists

Assistant Commissioner of Police Gary McKenzie McKenzie
The police high command is vowing to utilise Jamaica Eye to prosecute motorists who breach the Road Traffic Act. 
Motorists across the Corporate Area complained bitterly on Friday about being stuck in traffic gridlock along several major thoroughfares.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Gary McKenzie McKenzie, commanding officer for the Public Safety & Traffic Enforcement Branch, in response, said there were several collisions which compounded the challenge posed by he issue of the large number of vehicles on the road during the peak period.
ACP McKenzie, speaking on Radio Jamaica's Beyond the Headlines, added that some motorists ignored the road code, which made things worse.
He revealed that he was sent video footage of some of these motorists commiting breaches, "and we have the numbers and we'll be making some prosecutions."
These videos will be double-checked with the police Jamaica Eye surveilance , "and we will lock the evidennce we will carry out our prosecution."  

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