
Private sector urged to follow gov't's lead in renegotiating security contracts

Dr. Nigel Clarke and Lieutenant Commander George Overton
By Halshane Burke  
Private sector companies are being encouraged to follow the government's lead to renegotiate contracts with security firms.
This comes after Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Nigel Clarke, announced that the government has established a task force to re-examine the more than 500 contracts for the supply of security services at ministries, departments and agencies.
The task force has been given 100 days for the completion of the negotiations, with the new contracts to take effect April 1.
Dr. Clarke says private companies that fail to follow the example being set by the government should be exposed. 
"Once sufficient time has passed for adjustments to be made, private firms that wish to have the services of security guards, but who fail to amend or enter into contracts that allow security guards to be treated as employees, in my view, ought to be named and shamed," he said.  
He has suggested that employers of security guards contact the Ministry of Labour and the various unions to establish a Joint Industrial Council to preserve harmony in the sector.
'Good step' 
The Jamaica Society for Industrial Security (JSIS) has described as a good first step the establishment of the task force to amend government contracts with security firms.
JSIS President Lieutenant Commander George Overton said this initiative will allow for the contracts to remain in effect during the process of transition. 
"If we were to abide by the public procurement rules, all the contracts would have to be terminated, retendered, re-evaluated and renegotiated. What [the Finance Minister] has done here allows for the government contracts to have continuity...and assurance of continued service with the government for the government," he explained. 
But Commander Overton said the issue of job security will be of concern when talks are held with the private sector.
He warned that not all private sector entities will be able to raise their rates without there being a fallout. 

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