
Public health expert urges vigilance in light of Monkeypox threat


With the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the global outbreak of monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of  International Concern, Professor of  Public Health Peter Figueroa, is warning that vigilance in Jamaica needs to be extremely high as symptoms of  the virus are often subtle and not easily noticeable.

Professor Figueroa, speaking Monday on Radio Jamaica’s Beyond the Headlines, observed that this vigilance needs to come from health officials and members of  the public because some of  the manifestations and symptoms of  the virus are similar to those connected to other diseases.

Jamaica has already recorded two cases of monkeypox.

Professor Figueroa is urging everyone to pay close attention to themselves and others in their immediate surroundings for these symptoms.

More than 75 countries including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom have reported cases of Moonkeypox.

Professor Figueroa has sought to address the issue of stigma associated with monkeypox as being spread mainly among men who have sex with men.

The concern has been raised that persons may avoid seeking medical treatment and this would increase the risk of transmission.








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