
Victims of social media defamation should be encouraged to file lawsuits - Brooks

Dennis Brooks, speaking Monday on the 'Morning Agenda' on Power 106
By Lorraine Mendez 
Senior Communications Strategist for the Jamaica Constabulary Force Dennis Brooks says victims of social media smear campaigns or defamation should be encouraged to file lawsuits against alleged perpetrators.
Mr. Brooks made reference to recent erroneous information being circulated on social media in relation to the composite sketch released by the JCF of a woman believed to be a person of interest in the murder of eight-year-old Danielle Rowe.
The JCF released a statement on the weekend warning against what it termed the dangerous practice of people sharing images and crafting narratives about women who have no connection to the ongoing investigation.
Mr. Brooks said increased public education will result in more people taking court action and encourage responsible use of social media. 
"You did not deserve what happened to you and you need to know through public education that you can file that lawsuit against the person or that criminal charges can be brought against the person," he declared. 
"The more these things happen and the more the court rules in the right way of justice in these matters in terms of digital justice for the person who has been harmed digitally, then when we put on a lens of digital justice just like how I'm putting on a lens of digital law enforcement, we are able to see that people will respond more reasonably," he suggested. 
Mr. Brooks was speaking Monday on the Morning Agenda on Power 106.
Radio Jamaica News was recently visited by a woman who complained that she was in fear of her life as people were incorrectly identifying her as the suspect in the composite sketch.

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