
NSSC wants students consulted on exam and other education issues

Cavan Lewis, President of the National Secondary Students' Council (NSSC)
By Nakinskie Robinson   
President of the National Secondary Students' Council (NSSC), Cavan Lewis, is calling for greater consultation between the student body and the Ministry of Education.
This comes amid ongoing consultation among education stakeholders on whether to discontinue for certifications for Green Engineering, Agricultural Science (double award), Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Electronic Engineering, due to low enrolment.
Speaking with Radio Jamaica News on Friday afternoon, Mr. Lewis indicated that the NSSC has not been included in the ongoing dialogue. 
"But normally it's the case where we don't have enough conversations where NSSC has been brought into the whole discussion regarding students. It's a problem that we have been dealing with over the past few years. I've been apart of NSSC for almost two years and every time there's a situation that involves students and we try to have meetings and consultation with, you know, the ministry people, it's very difficult to just get into the room and have a discussion with them," he bemoaned.  
Mr. Lewis, who is a student at Jamaica College, contended that the courses in question are not being widely promoted some in schools, therefore many students could be unaware that they are offered by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC). 
He also believes that some institutions do not have the requisite teaching capacity to offer those courses.
The student leader urged stakeholders not to discontinue the subjects despite the low take-up. 
"Some students actually find passion in what they do, so they might have a passion in mechanical engineering and all that stuff, so I don't feel like it should be a case where you rob the students of that opportunity," he asserted. 

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