That's a Rap: Reflections on the life and impact of Barbara Gayle
11:25 am, Wed December 25, 2024
In the wake of the brutal slaying of retired journalist Barbara Gayle last week, Radio Jamaica's weekly news review show, That's a Rap, sought reflections on her path-breaking career in journalism, in which she spent five decades at The Gleaner, primarily as a court reporter.
The excerpt starts with a commentary by attorney-at-law Gordon Robinson, followed by journalists Damion Mitchell and Jovan Johnson, both of whom were mentored by Barbara Gayle at The Gleaner.
Below is the script for Gordon Robinson's commentary:
So, some evil savage decided to end Barbara Gayle’s life and has done so in the most brutal manner conceivable.
But that Savage can’t touch her soul nor can he diminish or tarnish her lifetime achievement or legacy. His limited humanity only affects human mortality which is already a certainty.
Barbara Gayle was a consummate professional and wonderful human being. I met Barbara in the corridors of the Supreme Court where she was ever-present and our relationship developed and flourished there. She permanently carried with her an unassuming demeanour; wry, impish smile and a twinkle in her eye that charmed and drew lawyers and judges alike to her like bees to honey.
The core of a journalist’s skill set is curiosity. Barbara had it in abundance. In the good old pre-internet days she could often be found scrutinizing the Supreme Court Bulletin Board’s court list to find the cases she thought would be both newsworthy and educational. She would ask intelligent, substantive questions about the law and about your case which you felt comfortable answering in the certain knowledge your confidences would be kept.
Barbara’s ultimate skill was to engender absolute trust between herself and lawyers; between herself and Judges. She was able to speak with ease to the most stand-offish lawyers (yours truly included). She could enter Judges’ Chambers to have a private chat without any discomfort suffered by any party to those chats.
As a result of the way she conducted her profession; as a result of the abiding trust she earned; she developed a roster of contacts that were invaluable and her news reports reeked of authenticity and compassion.
During a stellar career spanning five decades, mostly as a court reporter, she was the standard. She was excellence personified. She was what we at the racetrack would call “di boom!”
So, as we enter the season that we use to celebrate the birth of Christ, we should not be sad about Barbara’s death. We should not waste our spiritual energy on anger. Instead we should celebrate her life and career. We should be happy that Barbara, who loved Jesus Christ with all her heart and tried always to emulate His sterling example, is now returned to God with whom she will spend all eternity. She is now a part of the same God from whence she came to bless us with her life.
We can be joyful that, having served God’s purpose on Earth, she now rests in peace. And Love.
The body of Barbara Gayle was found with multiple stab wounds at her home in the gated community of Caymanas Country Club Estate in St. Catherine on Tuesday, December 17.

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