
Firefighters at York Park station protest delay in salary

Firefighters on the morning shift at the York Park Fire Station on Wednesday morning stayed off  the job to protest the delay in the receipt of  their November salary.

As a result, the station was unable to accept calls.

Deputy Superintendent Dennis Lyon of  the York Park Fire Station said the situation had reached crisis proportion.

“The shift that worked last night came on at 10 and should have left at 7am …..the shift from last night refused to work. I can’t say that it is industrial action. Those who were scheduled to work this morning did not turn up and those who are here, insist that they are not working,” Lyon said.

He told RJR News that a team of  senior officers would be mobilised to respond to emergencies.

Meanwhile, Commissioner of  the Jamaica Fire Brigade, Errol Mowatt, say the firefighters have now been paid.

He explained that the money was uploaded to the bank on Wednesday, but an error was detected in the banking system which has been rectified.

The Fire Chief  disclosed that the situation affected operations at fire stations in the Corporate Area.

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