
Grenada's Opposition senators walk out of Upper House in support of "bullied" member

Grenada's Opposition senators walked out of the Upper House today in support of their colleague Matthew Joseph who they claimed had been bullied by Leader of Government Business Simon Stiell.
The walkout occurred at the start of the post-lunch session.
Earlier in the day, the Senate debated and passed the Supplementary Appropriation Act to approve EC$54.9 million for five government ministries.
In his contribution to the debate, Senator Joseph had questioned the purpose of the supplementary budget and the initiative implemented by the Government to stimulate the economy.
In his rebuttal, Senator Stielle, who had introduced the legislation, reprimanded both senators for what he described as their pettiness because questions that were submitted were not answered.
When proceedings in the Upper House resumed after the lunch break, three Opposition senators said they would not attend.
As a result of the walkout and without enough Government senators present to constitute a quorum, the Senate was adjourned.

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