
Jamaica's debt reduction not benefitting 'ordinary' citizens - Golding

Opposition Leader Mark Golding
Opposition Leader Mark Golding says the reduction in Jamaica's debt has not benefitted the economy.
Speaking at a People's National Party (PNP) meeting on Sunday night, Mr. Golding argued that Jamaica's low wage economy is forcing many to flee the island. 
"Yes, our debt has come down and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) rate us for that, but that has nothing to do with the daily experience of life that the ordinary Jamaican person feels and where they see their life going why so many of them have to run and leave, or try to do so, because what is happening here is not right," he contended. 
Mr. Golding argued that the PNP will be the source of solutions, hope and potentially "setting the system right" for the benefit of all Jamaicans, regardless of political affiliation.  
The PNP will be holding its annual conference starting on Friday with a private session.
The public session is set for Sunday.

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