
Main political parties in full election mode for local gov't polls

Dr. Horace Chang and Dr. Dayton Campbell
By Prince Moore   
Jamaica's two main political parties are in full election mode following Thursday's announcement of the date for the long awaited local government election.
Local Government Minister Desmond McKenzie announced Thursday that the election will be held on February 26.
Nomination Day will be February 8.
The governing Jamaica Labour Party and the opposition People's National Party have both indicated their readiness to contest the poll.
JLP General Secretary Dr. Horace Chang says he expects a 40 per cent turn out of voters. 
"That kind of number for the local election is what I'd expect out there and encourage the workers to get out there and meet at the gate and talk to everybody because it's important to keep a level of participation, acceptable participation in our elections. Election is still a fundamental principle and based on democracy," he said. 
Dr. Chang was speaking Thursday on Radio Jamaica's Beyond the Headlines.
PNP General Secretary Dr. Dayton Campbell believes the base of the party is re-energised for the election on February 26.
He said the party has been working with a three-pronged approach in preparation for the election. 
"Essentially ensuring that we look at what the polls are saying to make sure that we are getting the mood of the people, what the feel of the people is in a particular year and then we are using the data. We want the canvas to match the targets that we've set in those areas and we want to engage and ensure that we have the workforce," he explained. 
Dr. Campbell added that PNP workers across all divisions met in January and audits were conducted to determine the state of readiness in each division in terms of messaging, training of workers and budgeting, among other things.  
"So we have prepared well for this election and we are confident that we will be able to do well," he declared.
He was also a guest on Beyond the Headlines

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