
Pedestrian-actuated traffic signals now operating in Negril

In the wake of growing concern regarding the safety of road users along the Norman Manley Boulevard in Negril, Westmoreland, effective Friday, April 5, three critical points along the thoroughfare will be controlled by pedestrian-actuated traffic signals. They are located in the vicinity of the Time Square Plaza, Rondell Village and Couples Swept Away.

The locations were chosen following a detailed analysis of vehicular and pedestrian movement in the area.

According to Janel Ricketts, community relations officer at the National Works Agency (NWA) the signals will serve to separate vehicular and pedestrian movement. The signals will also serve to reduce the speed with which motorists traverse the road.

A recent study by the Road Safety Unit in the Ministry of Transport revealed that Norman Manley Boulevard was among the top 10 locations for motor vehicle crashes in Jamaica.

This latest effort by the NWA represents the first phase of a Pedestrian Safety Infrastructure Programme, valued at J$18 million. It also involves the construction of sidewalks, medians and cross walks. The first phase of the project is expected to be completed by June.

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