
Residents facing eviction from Bob Marley Beach in St. Thomas

Attorney Dr. Marcus Goffe
Fisherfolk and prominent Rastafari family members who have lived at Bob Marley Beach in Bull Bay, St. Thomas for more than 50 years are reportedly being evicted today.
Advocacy group Jamaica Beach Birthright Environmental Movement (JaBBEM) is trying to garner public support to prevent the eviction.
The group says there are plans to build a hotel on the lands, which it claims will result in the loss of access to Bob Marley Beach.
Attorney Dr. Marcus Goffe is representing JaBBEM and says he has filed an application in court to stop the eviction.
Dr. Goffe, who spoke with Radio Jamaica News shortly before midday, said he was at the beach but he did not see "any sort of action yet to remove anyone from the beach". 
"So, we’re still here on the beach, watching and waiting to see what, if anything, anyone tries and we are pursuing all other legal means to prevent this from happening," he said.
The attorney insisted residents of the beach have longstanding rights to the property, even though they do not have titles.
JaBBEM also wants the government to repeal and replace the Beach Control Act of 1956, with what they term "a post colonial progressive and just law".

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