
Ritz Carlton to close

The owners of the Ritz-Carlton Resort in Rose Hall in the western parish of St. James, have confirmed that the Ritz Carlton Hotel Company will end it's management of the property next month.

In a release on Tuesday, Rose Hall Resort L.P., the owner of the hotel, says this will become effective on June 17.

 Rose Hall Resort L.P says it's actively evaluating its options in terms of future operations of the hotel.   

When contacted, public relations representatives at Rose Hall Resort L.P. could not confirm whether the hotel would be closed, or say what would be the fate of its current employees.

Meanwhile, Edmund Bartlett, the opposition Jamaica Labour Party’s (JLP) spokesman on Tourism, has appealed to the the Government, who are part owners in the entity to clarify the situation at the Ritz Carlton Rose Hall   

He also wants the government to indicate what protection is being given to the over 400 workers of the hotel.He said t he closure of the hotel would be a blow to Jamaica’s tourism sector as it is only internationally acclaimed high-end brand resort on the island.


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