
Upgrade for Maxfield Park Children’s Home

The Government is to address some of the priority areas of concern at the Maxfield Park Children’s Home in Kingston.

Following a tour of the facility on Wednesday, Lisa Hanna, Minister of Youth said attention will be placed on infrastructure, including the repair of the fence for security.

Ms. Hanna said upgrading and renovating the dormitories are other areas that will be addressed to ensure the comfort of the wards.

While unable to give a time line for the work to be undertaken, the Minister said the Government will be collaborating with private sector entities in the effort.

The visit to the children’s home formed part of the Minister’s island-wide tour of children’s homes, places of safety and juvenile correctional centres.

The Maxfield Park Children’s Home is the oldest co-ed child care facility in Jamaica. It serves as a permanent dwelling for children who have been abandoned or otherwise made homeless.

The home currently caters to 82 children and has a staff complement of 71.

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