
Burglars strike at Strathmore Gardens Children's Home

Marcia Tucker, Acting Managing Director of Strathmore Gardens Children's Home
The operators of Strathmore Gardens Children's Home in Spanish Town, St. Catherine are appealing for the public's assistance after thieves broke in and ransacked the building early Wednesday morning.
Marcia Tucker, Acting Managing Director of the home, said the thieves raided the kitchen, stole toiletries and school supplies as well as damaged the building. 
They also soiled the bathrooms.
Ms Tucker has appealed to the public to help replace the stolen goods. 
She also made an impassioned plea to the thieves to return the children's items. 
"I need back the things, I need back the bags; everything that they took to school, I need them back. Please I'm asking you to return back my children's stuff," she implored. 

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