
EoJ warning employers not to block workers from voting on Election Day

The Electoral Office of Jamaica is cautioning employers in the public and private sector against limiting the time off allotted to their employees for voting. 
This comes after the EoJ was informed that a number of employers had told their staff that they will not be allowed time-off on Election Day, or will only be allowed two hours off. 
According to the Representation of the People Act, employees shall be afforded three hours to exercise their franchise. This is in addition to their regular lunch hour. 
The three-hour provision does not apply however to any employee whose work on polling day commences at or after 10.00 a.m. or concludes before or at 2.00 p.m.
Director of Elections Glasspole Brown is again advising employers that they must permit their staff to exercise their constitutional right to vote come Monday in the Local Government Election.
Electors are encouraged to make the appropriate arrangements with their employers before Election Day.
Polling stations will open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m.

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