A global federation of teachers' trade unions says governments around the world may deprive children of their right to education if they do not properly invest more money in the education sector.
Angelo Gavrielatos, Campaign Manager at Education International, has characterised the global shortage of teachers as a crisis, noting that the world needs 44 million educators to achieve universal primary and secondary education, based on a report by UNESCO.
Mr Gavrielatos, speaking at the Jamaica Teachers' Association and Education International Go-Public Funding Education Fora in Kingston last week, said the teacher shortage is being fueled by under-investment in education, which has led to teachers being overworked, underpaid and feeling undervalued.
He said the situation is further compounded by the rates of teachers resigning being greater than the number of teachers retiring.
Mr. Gavrielatos observed that the crisis is worsening because a number of young people are shying away from the profession, which will not help to make up for the shortfall due to resignations and retirement.
Education International is recommending that governments provide competitive salaries, decent work conditions and job security to attract and retain teachers.
Mr Gavrielatos believes there will be improved education outcomes if governments invest more in teachers.
He explained that, in most countries around the world, the teacher salaries bill is about 75-percent of the total education budget.
He also expressed concern about a growing trend globally, which sees teachers in the public education system being placed on short-term contracts.
"Go Public! Fund Education" is a global campaign by Education International advocating for increased public funding for quality public education and the teaching profession, emphasizing the importance of teachers and inclusive, equitable education systems.