Health Minister Dr Christopher Tufton says the country is facing a health crisis with the increasing number of Jamaicans unaware of their health status.
Speaking on the recent Radio Jamaica's Hotline feature "On the Pulse with Public Health", Health Minister Dr. Christopher Tufton highlighted what he described as interesting findings from a recent "Know Your Numbers", health campaign staged in May Pen.
Dr. Tufton said tests conducted on individuals revealed that many were unaware that they had chronic illnesses.
He said, due to the severe heat, several attendees had to be recommended for emergency attention.
The Health Minister sought to underscore the importance of Jamaicans to understand their health status before it is too late.
In response to the high incidence of lifestyle diseases and premature mortality, the Ministry of Health, last year commenced its 'Know Your Numbers' campaign to encourage yearly health screening and reduce illness among the population.
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