St. Patrice Ennis
By Halshane Burke
President of the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU), St. Patrice Ennis, has again called for the reform of regulations governing the public sector.
Mr. Ennis says the regulations are outdated and need modernising.
He is also calling for changes to how public servants are treated when found in breach of policies.
"We don't like Section 32 of the Public Service Regulation where you can interdict, punish without due process. We believe it is something that has long passed its usefulness and we should move to something that more reflects the time," he asserted.
Mr. Ennis also wants to see passage of the Occupation Safety and Health Act, that has been in limbo for a considerable length of time.
"It has been languishing for 20 years, but it's something that deeply affects us. And it is deeply...something that the private sector and those in other areas take their cue from. So it would be good that we move with some alacrity where that is regarded a swift passage."
Mr. Ennis was addressing Thursday's 105th annual general meeting of the Jamaica Civil Service Association.
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