
New parking system in downtown Kingston takes effect

The new parking system for buses and taxis at the Downtown Municipal Transport Centre in Kingston faced its first test Monday following Saturday's opening of the facility on Water Lane.

Owners of public passenger vehicles began operating under the revised parking arrangements, which were implemented on Saturday.

RJR News observed private security and police personnel, point dispatchers, officials from the Transport Authority, the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) and the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation all on hand to welcome commuters using the just opened facility.

As promised, the JUTC shuttle buses were at their respective bases ready to transport commuters.

However, despite the turn out of officials to ensure a smooth start to the new transport system for downtown Kingston, there were still problems.

"I came in town from 5:45 this morning and when I came down here, I saw a young miss waiting on the same bus as well but so far I don’t see any bus turn up as yet. I think the bus come half way on East Street and turn back to St. Thomas," one commuter told RJR News.

Confusion also reigned at the Pechon Street bus terminus.

Commuters told RJR News that they had expected to hop on to the JUTC sub-franchise buses, which ply the popular Kingston and St. Andrew routes however, they say having boarded the JUTC shuttle buses; they have no idea where to catch the sub-franchise public passenger vehicles.

Senior Superintendent Radcliffe Lewis, head of the Police Traffic Department, Cecil Morgan, Manager of the Transport Authority and a number of other stakeholders involved in Monday morning’s operations were left trying to eliminate the early morning confusion.




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