
Alleged One Don Gang leader, "Blackman", professes innocence

Alleged leader of the One Don Gang, Andre "Blackman" Bryan, has professed his innocence, stating he has never been involved in any gang activity or ordered the murder of anyone.
Mr. Bryan gave an unsworn statement during the One Don Gang trial in the Home Circuit Court this afternoon. 
During his unsworn statement, Mr. Bryan denied giving instructions for the extortion of businesses and transport operators in Spanish Town, St. Catherine.
The unsworn statement means he will not be cross-examined by the prosecution.
Mr. Bryan's statement came after Chief Justice Bryan Sykes ruled that the 28 defendants have a case to answer in relation to being a member of a criminal organisation.
The judge also ruled that some of the defendants have a case to answer in relation to five of the 10 murders they are accused of committing.
Five of the homicides include two double murders, one of which involved arson.
The prosecution abandoned three of the five other cases, while the judge upheld no-case submissions for two.
A formal not guilty ruling was handed down against some of the defendants who were indicted in those matters, but they have not been freed as they still have other charges to answer to.
An illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition charge against two defendants was also dismissed.
Subpoenas requested
At the same time, three defence attorneys have requested subpoenas to have the custody book at Spanish Town Police Station and the prisoner admission book at the Horizon Adult Remand Centre for 2017 to 2019 presented in court as evidence.
Esther Reid, Denise Hinson and Abina Morris made the request prior to today's adjournment.
Two other attorneys, Zara Lewis and and Venice Brown, indicated that they will be calling character witnesses.
The trial will resume on Wednesday when defence attorneys will continue to present their cases.    

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