
Craigmill bridge collapse: Truck falls into river

Stephen Shaw, NWA Communication Manager, and a resident of Craigmill
Three persons narrowly escaped serious injury on Saturday evening, after the Craigmill bridge in Portland collapsed while they were attempting to cross, causing the truck in which they had been traveling, to fall into the river below.
The truck had reportedly been loaded with stones.
The bridge, located along the Buff Bay to Whitehall stretch, had been closed in 2019.
Stephen Shaw, Communication & Customer Service Manager at the National Works Agency,  told Radio Jamaica News, in response, that the procurement process is underway for the construction of a replacement bridge.
But he said, in the interim, the agency had constructed a ford to be used as an alternative to the Craigmill bridge.
Residents of Craigmill also admitted that signs were erected by the NWA, cautioning against using the bridge, adding that marl had at one point been deposited to block access to the structure as well.
But they said whenever it rains heavily, the ford constructed by the NWA becomes impassable, causing them to use the compromised bridge. 
They are appealing for emergency assistance to restore access to the community.

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