
'Pro-choice' abortion policy will bring wrath of God on Jamaica - Ho Lung

Father Richard Ho Lung
Father Richard Ho Lung, founder of Jamaican Missionaries of the Poor, is convinced that if the parliament adopts a pro-choice policy as it relates to abortion, it will bring the wrath of God on the nation.
Father Ho Lung believes abortion has changed the Christian commandment of 'Thou shall not kill' to 'you should kill'. 
"We have overall about 2,000 homeless people that we take care of. In addition to that, maybe another 5,000 that come for partial care...and every single one of them, brothers and sisters, are (sic) happy to be alive. Everybody has a right to life. Why we powerful people who have the knowledge, if you want to call it that, and ability to kill, be allowed to make a decision over the life of another?" he contended.  
Father Ho Lung was speaking at Thursday morning's meeting of Parliament's Human Resource and Social Development Committee.

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