Chairman of the St. Elizabeth Parish Council Everton Fisher has joined in the call for government to put legislation in place for the mandatory evacuation of persons in the path of disasters.
Mayor Fisher was speaking at a recent meeting of the Parish Disaster Committee and against the background of the many fisherfolk who chose to remain on the Pedro Banks during the recent passage of Hurricane Sandy.
Mayor Fisher says the Council will be moving a resolution to be sent to the relevant Ministry for the enactment of such legislation:
“We are saying it must be mandatory that persons living on the Pedro Cays,or persons living in disaster zones, once it is identified that a disaster is coming and persons need to evacuate they must be made to evacuate, it mustn’t be if they want to come, it must be mandatory. And we’re going to pass a resolution, a lot of the persons who are living on the cays or residents of St Elizabeth and we’ll be sending a resolution to the relevant ministries or minister, to make it mandatory for these persons to evacuate the keys.”
He also indicated that the National Environment and Planning Agency, parish councils and other agencies responsible for planning should also ensure that persons are prevented from building or living in areas in the paths of disasters.