
155 civilians killed by security forces in 2023; 149 killed so far this year

INDECOM Assistant Commissioner Hamish Campbell
By Nakinskie Robinson   
Killings by agents of the state rose to 155 in the year 2023.
According to the latest report released by the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM), the 155 civilian deaths represent a 16 per cent increase when compared with the 134 civilians who died by the hands of agents of the state in 2022.
INDECOM Assistant Commissioner Hamish Campbell says the unfortunate increase is expected to be repeated in 2024. 
"As of yesterday, the 31st of October, 149 people have been killed so far this year and a further 66 people shot and injured. And as pointed out, the current projection shows that unless trends are reversed by the security forces in Jamaica, 2024 will see the highest level of security or force fatal incidents since 2013," he warned. 
"In 2013, it was 253. So there is a significant issue at present; 2019 saw the lowest number of fatal shootings at 86. Between 2019 and now, there has been an 80% increase in fatal shootings. Each year it has moved up 115 in 2020, 127 and 2021, 134 killed in 2022 and 155 last year," Mr. Campbell outlined. 
Some 99 people were shot and injured by the security forces in 2023. 
Assistant Commissioner Campbell said the majority of civilian killings have been carried out by members of the police rank and file. 
"The last year, the JDF (Jamaica Defence Force) were involved in only five fatal shootings. And each year since 2019, their fatal shooting involvement was dropped from 12 down to 5. The Department of Corrections were not involved in any fatal shootings last year, two the year before and none in the three previous years. So the focus is on the Jamaican Constabulary Force and their primary involvement in police-related shootings," he pointed out. 
Mr. Campbell also raised concern about the number of multiple death incidents - that is the number of people killed in a singular incident. 
"In 2023, that number was 20. But so far this year, multiple death incidents have accounted for 30 people being shot and killed. There were two incidents where four people were killed in a singular matter and two incidents where three people were killed in addition to the multiple double-fatal shootings that we've seen," he said. 
The latest report provides a Review and Analysis of INDECOM's court cases and outcomes from 2011 to 2023 as well as fatal and non-fatal statistics year to date.  

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