
Chang dismisses Golding's claim of partial credit for murder reduction

National Security Minister Dr. Horace Chang has accused Opposition Leader Mark Golding of claiming paternity for the success of the Jamaica Constabulary Force in reducing murders and other major crimes.
In his contribution to the 2025/26 budget debate in the House of Representatives yesterday, Mr. Golding said the reduction in murders is a testament to the effectiveness of targeted policing strategies, over the ineffective use of States of Emergency by the Andrew Holness administration.
Mr. Golding claimed that the People's National Party's principled stance against what it believes, on legal advice, to have been a serial and routine use of unconstitutional and ineffective SoEs, has been vindicated by the decline in murders since the Opposition stopped supporting the 90-day extensions.
Dr Chang, speaking Wednesday on The Morning Agenda, on Power 106FM, characterised Mr. Golding's statements as ridiculous.
He said it would be inappropriate for the political directorate to dictate the security measures that the police should utilise to combat crime and violence.
The National Security Minister has also defended the effectiveness of SOEs as crime a fighting tool, but when asked whether the Jamaica Labour Party will continue to use SOEs if returned government in the upcoming election, he said it would rely less on this option as the investments in the police force to respond to crime and violence are reaping results.

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