
Decision on Jamaica's final appeal court should be put to referendum - Champagnie

Peter Champagnie
By Kimone Witter
Attorney Peter Champagnie, KC, says any decision to change the country's final appellate jurisdiction should be put to a referendum.
His comment comes amid debate about whether a public vote should be held to decide on the retention or removal of the UK-based Privy Council as Jamaica's top court. 
"It can't be a situation where you have politicians...on both sides, coming together and saying, this is going to be our final court, without involving the people. It think it is so fundamental a principle that we need to have a say to determine the way forward. And it may ultimately be a situation where we end up with the Caribbean Court of Justice," Mr. Champagnie suggested.
He was speaking on TVJ's Smile Jamaica, on Wednesday. 
The Constitution does not require a referendum to remove the Privy Council.  

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