
JPS directed to reduce customers' September bills

Energy Minister Daryl Vaz
By Lorraine Mendez   
Following complaints by JPS customers about a significant jump in their electricity bills for the current cycle, the Office of Utilities Regulation has instructed JPS to ensure a reduction in the September bills to remedy the disproportionate increases.
In a letter to Energy Minister Daryl Vaz, Tuesday, OUR Director General Ansord Hewitt said JPS has been directed to reduce the fuel charge for the 2024 September bills by the difference in its fuel cost in July over June.
JPS had indicated that the increases in the current billing cycle were attributable to higher fuel charges and the devaluation of the Jamaican dollar.
Meanwhile, the OUR also reiterated that bills with zero consumption that do not show a corresponding zero money value should be reissued.
JPS has also agreed that it will not pursue disconnections due to non-payment of bills up to September 15.
Minister Vaz has described the OUR's latest directive as a welcomed development towards what he calls justice for JPS customers.
"I note that OUR says the directive is tantamount to a reversal in the hefty increases via a similar process. I will be monitoring the process closely to ensure this de facto reversal materialises. It is also encouraging that the JPS has indicated that during the current billing cycle it is not prepared to punish via disconnections, customers who have hefty bills, which are to be remedied," he said.   
According to the minister, JPS should ensure such a situation does not recur and the OUR should continue to explore potential sanctions.
Minister Vaz added that he is also awaiting word from the OUR on its investigation into the current JPS billing cycle and has urged a comprehensive but expeditious completion of the probe.

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