
Quaker Oats recalls granola products over salmonella risk

By Halshane Burke   
The Quaker Oats Company has announced the withdrawal of granola bars and granola cereals due to the potential of contamination with salmonella.
Salmonella is an organism that can cause severe infections and, occasionally, fatal outcomes in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems.
Healthy individuals infected with salmonella typically experience fever, bloody stool, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
The products listed on the website were produced in the United States and distributed to Jamaica.
The company is advising potential consumers to check their cupboards for any of the listed products and discard them.
Additionally, consumers with any of the listed products can return them to the original store where they were purchased, presenting their purchase receipt.
To date, the company says it has not received reports of illnesses related to the products covered by this withdrawal.
The company stresses that the withdrawal only applies to the specific products listed on the website and that no other Quaker product is affected.

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