
The wrath of Irma takes heavy toll on Grand Turk

RJR's Andrea Chisholm reporting


Grand Turk is one of the areas that received the brunt of Hurricane Irma. Power lines and fences are down, trees uprooted; communication nonexistent, buildings roofless, and for some residents, they feel helpless.

“It’s been rough, even though we’ve gone through (Hurricane) Ike before,” one woman explained to RJR News.

The prolonged loss of telecommunications is one of her primary concerns, contrasting the almost weeklong absence of the facility this time with “maybe two hours” during the passage of Hurricane Ike in 2008.

With water and food supplies already running low, the discomfort of residents is compounded by an increase in the mosquito population consequent on the rainfall during the hurricane.

One resident was less than impressed with the government’s response so far: “I think there was one meeting held on Monday, but it’s slow in coming.”

She did express happiness at the fact that the radio station is back on air, “so we are having some sort of communication and notices given.”


 Andrea Chisholm reporting from the Turks & Caicos Islands


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