Dr. Melody Ennis, Director of Family Health Services in the Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health is reporting that 11 people have died in Jamaica since taking the COVID-19 vaccine.
However, the ministry says none of these deaths have so far been found to have been caused by the vaccine.
Dr. Melody Ennis, Director of Family Health Services, said nine of the deaths were coincidental, meaning they were "not caused by the vaccine [and] would have occurred whether they had the vaccine or not."
Dr. Ennis said the other deaths are undetermined.
"The underlying illnesses that these two persons had possibly could have led to their deaths and it was indeterminate if the vaccines could have caused it but there is no such evidence at this time," she explained.
The ministry received 249 reports of ill-effects from the more than 300,000 doses of the vaccine that have been administered.
Forty-six were classified as serious.
Dr. Ennis disclosed that allergic reactions accounted for most of those cases and it was recommended that three persons should not be given their second dose.
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