
Increase maximum sentence for human trafficking, attorney urges

Nicole Gordon and Latoya West Blackwood, speaking with That's a Rap host Earl Moxam on Sunday


Attorney-at-law Nicole Gordon has spoken out in favour of  an increase in the maximum sentence for persons convicted of human trafficking.

Miss Gordon, speaking Sunday on Radio Jamaica's That's a Rap, said, given the heinous nature of the crime, those convicted should see more time in prison.

Her suggestion was in the context of last week's conviction of Indian businessman Roshan Shegure who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for human trafficking.

Shegure had convinced his compatriot to travel to Jamaica and work at his store as a manager but instead forced him to perform domestic labour without pay.

Miss Gordon has noted that Jamaica has been improving its investigation and prosecution of human trafficking.

Break stereotypes

Social change advocate Latoya West Blackwood, who also spoke on That’s a Rap, suggested that the breaking of stereotypes associated with the crime of human trafficking could support early detection.

Taking note of the fact that the Shegure case involved labour exploitation, she observed that more attention is usually paid more to the trafficking of women and children while inadvertently ignoring the possibility of forced labour.







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