
Police report increase in firearm seizures

Major General Antony Anderson
The Police High Command is reporting a significant increase in the seizure of illegal firearms during the first half of this year.
Police Commissioner Major General Antony Anderson on Tuesday told a media briefing that the security forces found 392 illegal guns. 
This, he said, is an increase of seven per cent over the first half of 2021, and "represents the largest haul of weapons in the first half of each of the last five years". 
There has been a 60 per cent increase in the seizure of high powered rifles, a seven per cent increase in pistols and an 11 per cent increase in shotguns. 
General Anderson insisted the police would "continue to use all the tools available to use to seize illegal guns, pursue the gangs and go after the money used to fund them". 
Three high-powered weapons and almost 30 rounds of ammunition were seized on Tuesday in St. James.
Five individuals, suspected of being members of a St. James based gang, were detained in the operations on King Street in Canterbury during an early morning raid.
A man said to be the leader of the gang was among those detained.
General Anderson said the operation was part of the Jamaica Constabulary Force's plan to target criminal gangs in the parish.
He added that the increased police presence has resulted in a decline in murders, with the area recording 24 murders in June compared to 40 in May - a decline of 40 per cent. 

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