
Police stations open to the public 24 hrs a day

Police Commissioner Owen Ellington has directed members of the Police Force that all Police Stations must be open to the public at all times.

The Police Commissioner noted however, that  based on the location of some stations and the attendant risk assessment, some stations may close their front entrance doors where Guard Rooms are located.

Commissioner Ellington's reminder follows a recent Gleaner investigative piece highlighting  the delivery of policing services during the night at police stations.

 Police stations  in Kingston and St. Andrew, Manchester and St.James were visited.

Writing in the latest Jamaica Constabulary Force Orders the Police Commissioner argued that the closing of entrance doors does not mean police personnel should lose their  alertness.

He said police personnel must be ready all times,  watchful and prepared for duty and to provide services  to citizens. 

According to the Police Commissioner on each occasion, the reporters were able to access police  services without any undue wait, even in circumstances where station entrance doors were closed.

The Police Commissioner offered personal congratulations to members at the various stations that were visited, noting their alertness is commendable and should be the standard for all members.

Commissioner Ellington says the results from the investigative foray put to rest speculations, that stations are closed at nights while personnel sleep, and no policing services are being offered especially at nights.  

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