
Political parties getting ready for general election

PNP Campaign Director Phillip Paulwell and JLP General-Secretary Dr. Horace Chang


The People's National Party (PNP) has declared that it will embark on an aggressive programme to attract votes in the next general election after announcing on Sunday that one if its Vice-Presidents - Phillip Paulwell - will be its Campaign Director.

Mr. Paulwell's appointment was announced following a meeting of the PNP's National Executive Council (NEC) in Moneague, St Ann.

The NEC has directed the Secretariat to focus on “must-win” constituencies for the election which is constitutionally due in 2021.

Mr. Pauwell, in a follow-up interview with RJR News, said the PNP will not only be relying on its traditional supporters, “but we’re going to be going aggressively for the young people, a lot of whom have recently reached the age of majority and who are going to be electors.”

He said the party will utilise all social media platforms in the effort to attract these young people.

JLP Candidates

Meanwhile, the governing Jamaica Labour Party has announced that it is making progress towards finalising its list of candidates for the general election.

Two candidates (for St. Andrew Western and Westmoreland Western) were selected on Sunday and will be recommended for confirmation, he told RJR News, and there will shortly be a “run-off” between two aspirants for the Hanover Western.

“They are all good candidates,” he asserted, adding confidently that “we have enough time” to conclude the candidate selection process.”


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