Prime Minister Dr. Andrew Holness and Custos of St. Ann Joseph Issa
By Halshane Burke
Prime Minister Dr. Andrew Holness says any effort to drive economic activity must be coupled with investment in infrastructure.
Prime Minister Holness laments that thousands of man hours that could be used to increase productivity are wasted sitting in traffic.
He says his administration must turn its attention to ensuring the road network is developed.
"The pivot has to be accelerating our investment in infrastructure. The stretch of road along here is notorious for traffic. The government has already started the work in developing this corridor into a highway which will be able to remove the waste of man hours in traffic, and not just that, but to improve your comfort, which improves your quality of life and convenience," he said, referencing the Mammee Bay road in St. Ann.
"These investments take time, but you will appreciate when I say that they take too long and the excuse that it must take time is just that, an excuse. As a nation, we must embrace efficiency. A part of our aspiration as a people is not just to run fast and be the fastest people in the world. We must do business quickly," insisted Dr. Holness.
He was speaking Thursday at the ceremony to install Joseph Issa as Custos of St. Ann.
St. Ann transformation
The new Custos said the parish is to undergo a transformation to improve its attractiveness to investors and visitors.
According to Mr. Issa, St. Ann is to regain its allure through a number of projects over the short to medium term including improving the road network.
"One of the plans involves a rejuvenation of the waterfront that has so much meaning and respect for all our vital fishermen, other treasured parishioners, and of course regional and international visitors. The upgrade will include a revamped marina for yachts and small boats, among other features. Another project will see Ocho Rios and Reynolds' ports expanded to accommodate a total of six ships, thus increasing visitor traffic and by extension a much needed boost to the economic growth for all of the parish. The third one calls for the revitalisation of the Ocho Rios food market to showcase our agricultural and Jamaican products," he said during his installation ceremony at the Seville Heritage site.
He has declared that the projects are not fantasies but are on the way to realisation with plans already prepared.
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