
Vendors could face higher fees as KSAMC plans improvements at Coronation Market

Andrew Swaby, Mayor of Kingston and chairman of the KSAMC
By Kimone Witter    
Vendors who sell in the Coronation Market in downtown Kingston could have to fork out more for fees as the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) seeks to improve the state of the facility.
Mayor of Kingston and chairman of the KSAMC, Andrew Swaby, who toured the market on Sunday, expressed dissatisfaction with the condition of the facility.
Mr. Swaby said the corporation will be looking at increasing the number of days the market is washed and cleared of garbage as part of its maintenance. 
"Clearly, as I've indicated that we are going to tackle these problems one by one. We have to make sure we cultivate a habit where our workers make sure that they know the minimum standard what is expected of them. And also we have to encourage the vendors that they also have a role to play in keeping our markets clean."
But he hinted that the current fees may need to be higher to accomplish ensure this kind of maintenance. 
"With the fee that we are charging, I would say it cannot pay for the services that we have to deliver to them, and we are trying to see if we can keep the cost at a minimum cost, but clearly we have to review that also," the mayor admitted. 
Mr. Swaby said the new car park under construction at Darling Street to facilitate users of the market should be ready within the six-month timeline.
"We are about two months shy of having that completed. I want to thank the Minister of Local Government because he has readily provided those funds to make sure that persons can come downtown and park in style," he said, adding that it will make for freer flowing traffic and easier passage for emergency vehicles. 

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