
Elderly in rural areas not readily accessing COVID-19 vaccines

Denise Eldemire-Shearer, Professor of Public Health and Ageing
Concern has been raised that elderly citizens in rural communities in Jamaica have limited access to the COVID-19 vaccine. 
The Caribbean Community of Retired Persons (CCRP) is appealing to Members of Parliament to assist senior citizens to get vaccinated.
A statement from the CCRP noted that on election day, there is concerted effort by both political parties to transport elderly electors to polling stations.
It wants party representatives to make similar arrangements to safeguard the health of the elderly in their constituencies. 
Denise Eldemire-Shearer, Professor of Public Health and Ageing, says a number of elderly persons, especially those in deep rural areas are being left behind in the vaccination programme. 
"They are quite far from health centres. I know of one lady that actually paid to come [to Kingston] from St. Thomas, and we're talking about $6,000 to $10,000 for a taxi. So I think it is something that we need to look at. Maybe we could do some pooling, the councillors in the area who would know where they are, and to get them to the health centre," Professor Eldemire-Shearer suggested. 
She noted that some elderly people are also being told not to take the vaccine by their younger relatives.                
While she did not quote a specific figure, Professor Eldemire-Shearer said the COVID vaccination rate for Jamaica's elderly population is still "too low for their own good and their own protection."

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