
EOJ to launch public education campaign to improve voter turnout

Director of Elections Glasspole Brown
By Kimone Witter    
The Electoral Office of Jamaica (EOJ) says it will be seeking to improve on the 30.6 per cent voter turnout during the 2016 local government election.
Director of Elections Glasspole Brown says the EOJ will be using avenues including social and traditional media to encourage registered voters to be part of the process come election day.
"It's a message that will be this weekend, pointing out as to why you ought to exercise that right. And we are also assuring persons that on the day we can ensure that you're safe and secure when you enter in our voting environment. And also, we can guarantee you that the process will be fair and your ballot will be cast in secrecy," he said Friday on the Morning Agenda on Power 106.
On Thursday, 499 candidates were nominated to contest the February 26 election.
Special service electors - which comprises members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, Jamaica Defence Force and Election Day Workers - will cast their ballots on February 22.

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